Minimalist horse art portrait "KC" by Hailey Sullivan - Head detail

about the artist

hailey sullivan

A lifelong horse girl, Hailey has been drawing horses for as long as she can remember. Hailey was introduced to horses at a young age by her aunt, and horses have been a part of her life ever since. Her intricate graphite pencil drawings are brought to life by her exquisite eye for detail and equine proportions, and her work is sought after by collectors for her unique ability to capture the spirit of every horse she draws.

"The infamous story in my family is that, as a child, I used to fall asleep with a crayon in my hand... I was naturally drawn to horses without any rhyme or reason, I just knew they were the most comforting thing in my life."

– Hailey Sullivan
Original charcoal drawing of a galloping horse by equine artist Hailey Sullivan - print mockup 2

In 2017, after a year of studying Art and Design at the University of Wisconsin, Hailey made the courageous decision to uproot her life and move to San Diego to pursue her fine art career. Despite her young age, Hailey is deeply committed to her work as an artist. While other twenty-somethings were still figuring out what they wanted to do with their lives, Hailey chose to focus on honing her craft, eschewing alcohol in 2023 to focus more on her work:

"I came to the realization that I was choosing something that had absolutely no value to me...I've learned that everything I do, even when I'm not creating art, will impact my art in the end... "

– Hailey Sullivan
Original horse head graphite portrait "May Gray" by equine artist Hailey Sullivan - mockup

Hailey's dedication has paid off, earning her features in popular publications such as The Plaid Horse and Calling All Horse Girls, as well as a collaboration with the equestrian brand Ecogold.

When she isn't creating art, Hailey can be found cooking and baking, listening to music, hiking, and (of course) riding at every opportunity.

work with Hailey

Interested in commissioning art from Hailey? Use the form below to get in touch.

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