Fine art print of a horse silhouette reflected in water by photographer Lara Baeriswyl - horse detail 1

about the artist

lara baeriswyl

Lara Baeriswyl is an award-winning equine fine art photographer based in Switzerland. Lara's art is a testament to her lifelong love of horses, and her unique style has earned her a reputation for creating powerful imagery that tells a larger story.

"My creative process starts mostly with watching horses, being patient, and taking a photo in the right moment."

– Lara Baeriswyl
Fine art equine photography print of a horse's mane by Lara Baeriswyl
Fine art equine photography print of a horse's mane by Lara Baeriswyl - detail

"This photo can be interpreted in different ways. It shows the glorious mane of my young gelding, Cantico.

If you look at it as a whole, you can see roots. Roots, because simply being with a herd of horses can be grounding.

But, you can also look at it as a river. A river, because the mane flows in the wind like water."

-Lara Baeriswyl

A self-taught photographer, Lara has been developing her style for over a decade, seeking out workshop opportunities to learn from other photographers throughout Europe. She shoots with a digital camera, finding inspiration in nature, and simply spending time around horses.

Equine fine art photography print of 4 horses at dusk by Lara Baeriswyl - wall art print mockup with saddle

Lara's love for horses has only deepened in recent years since meeting her horse, Cantico. When she isn't taking photos or spending time with Cantico, Lara can be found hanging out with her cats or bouldering with friends.

Swiss equine fine art photographer Lara Baeriswyl - headshot

work with Lara

Interested in working with Lara to capture photos of your own horse? Use the form below to get in touch.

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