equestrian fine art photo of two horses in black and white by carolin felgner

about the artist

carolin felgner

German photographer Carolin Felgner approaches her photography like an artist would approach a painting - her camera is the brush, and her color is the light. Through her lens, Carolin captures not only the physical beauty of these majestic creatures, but their spirit, grace, and the unspoken bond they share with humans.

"During a photo shoot, I try to stage as little as possible so that the animals can show their true nature. As a result, most of my favorite works are unplanned. That's what fascinates me most about horse photography. You never know what you'll end up with."

– Carolin Felgner
Colorful equestrian photography print of a spotted horse behind pink flowers by Carolin Felgner

For Carolin, equine photography is the language through which she expresses her love for horses. While she no longer rides regularly, photography has kept horses in her life, and she has a special affection for horses with unique coat patterns:

"For as long as I can remember, my heart beats for colorful horses."

- Carolin Felgner

When she isn't with horses or behind her camera, Carolin is usually out in nature, spending time with her family, or creating other forms of art - she's an accomplished painter as well!

Profile photo of German equine photographer Carolin Felgner

work with Carolin

Interested in working with Carolin to capture photos of your own horse? Use the form below to get in touch.

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